A Fully Automated App For License Renewals Helps A State Body Achieve Greater Efficiency
Client Introduction

NVBDO is a state regulatory body responsible for public health, safety, and welfare through regulating the practice of opticianry. The NVBDO collects license fees from opticians and apprentice opticians. The board approached our partner Reno Techs for developing an application for handling license issues and renewals for apprentices and opticians in Nevada. The challenge for the board has been a tedious semi-automated process of license applications and renewals, that led to inefficiencies. Our job was to automate the process through the new application, thereby bringing about speed, accuracy and efficiency in their process.
Team Chapter247 Collaboration with Reno Techs and NVBDO
NVBDO is the existing client of Reno Techs. NVBDO got in touch with Reno Techs with their requirements, posy which team Chapter247 and Reno Techs worked together on the project. While Reno Techs responsibility was to handle the business part /finance part of engagement along with communication with the NVBDO team, Team Chapter247’s responsibility was to analyze the requirements, come up with a development strategy and suggest a tech stack suited to NVBDO requirements followed by developing & maintaining the entire project.

The Requirement

- The entire manual process of the apprentice and optician license renewal had to be made fully automated.
- We had to create a simple application that would enable users at both ends - the NVBDO team and the users ( apprentices and opticians) to access forms and rules easily. This would help structure and organize the annual license renewal process.
- The NVBDO had been using spreadsheets and 3rd party software to manage their data. This data had to be incorporated in the new system that we were building while making sure that it was easily available to users when they gained access to their accounts in the new application.
- We were building a custom application that could be altered and managed according to growing needs and requirements.
Business Challenges
- The application had to be custom-built from scratch. The challenge was to convert each manual task into an automated step in the process while enhancing the process as a time-saving tool. The process of license issuing and renewal had finer aspects that we had to consider and incorporate them according to the client’s need while keeping the project on time.
- Apprentices and practicing opticians need to renew their licenses annually. Our challenge was to create an intelligent and scalable application that would act like a central repository so the data could be pulled from any given year.
- The information submitted by the apprentices and opticians on the application is confidential. Our team had to ensure the implementation of the complete data security patch on the website.
- We also kept the end-users in mind while developing the interface so that users of any age group or background could easily use it.
- Since the requirements kept changing as the application development evolved, our team’s challenge was also to incorporate changes without disturbing the original logic of the application.
- Another big challenge in the application development was retention of old user data, incorporating the data in the new application under the right categories and ensuring that it was accessible to anyone authorized to use it.

The Chapter247 + Reno Techs Process

Chapter247 and Reno Techs followed a methodical process of development that began from a detailed client briefing over an orientation call. We drafted the project plan and sent it across to the client. After their approval, we followed Agile methodology of project management where our Scrum master led us in finishing tasks at each level. We held regular meetings with the client at each stage of development, ensuring that everything was as per their visualization.
We began working on this project towards the end of 2018 and the first Phase of the project was completed by the end of 2019 just in time for the annual renewals. Since then, we have regularly been making changes, updates and new additions to enhance the application. The renewals happen every year from December to February when we monitor the application very closely to make sure everything works flawlessly.
Delivered Solution
- A 100% custom-built and automated application that saves time and accelerates the application process.
- A simple, interactive and user-friendly interface for the users to manage their renewals, new applications, payment details etc without any technical hassles.
- A scalable system that handles data for a large number of users.
- A flexible system that can accommodate any kinds of changes, feature add-ons that are still being incorporated in the system.
- An application that helps the NVBDO in managing and organizing their yearly renewals in a more efficient way, which in turn, eliminates the mental pressure from the team for timely reviews.
- An application that lets apprentices use the same account when they graduate as practicing opticians.

Technologies and Resources

- HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Codeigniter (PHP Framework)
- Authorize.net, Office 365
- Resources: 5 Tech experts and a Project Manager
Key Features
Super Admin
- The application provides a Super Admin access/panel to anyone authorized by the NVBDO for such an access. From there, the Super Admin may access all the seven custom-made forms on the application and can make text changes, date changes, and price changes in the form. All these can be easily managed from the Super Admin panel.
- The Super Admin panel is segregated in an organized way for functions including new applications, renewal requests, changes in name, changes in workplace information, changes in the supervisor, or reviewing complaints.
- There’s an option to manage email forms to users who can’t access the system to collect the information and then make a registered user on the system.
- The Super Admin has the option to edit the received applications for identifying and correcting any typos or factual errors before the approval.
- The Super Admin can levy a fine on users for various reasons, send such notification through the system, and the users can pay directly from the system.
- The Super Admin can generate various reports that are required for all the board members to review over the year.
- Users get access to their account upon approval of their apprentice application. They may continue to use the same system even when they upgrade their position from apprentice to optician.
- Users can have access to their renewal records till date.
- Users can email themselves a copy of their payments made for the renewals in order to get reimbursement from their employers.
- They have access to change their name, supervisor, workplace easily and keep the board's records up to date.
- The access to their account depends on the status of their license.
- The opticians have an option to keep a track of their education credits to make sure they use them wisely and avoid any fines.

Business Impact

- Team Chapter247 and Reno Techs successfully reduced a lot of manual labor for the NVBDO in the process of annual renewals. This, in turn, increased the turn-around time of the license applications being approved by 56%.
- The NVBDO experienced significant revenue escalation since the system enabled them to keep a better track of defaulters, and made the process of receiving late fee/fines smoother.
- The NVBDO processed 30% more applications since the system was installed because the admin panel allowed access to seven custom-made forms at one place. This enabled the team to manage and process more forms in less time.
- With all the manual work reduced, the board is now focussing on increasing more automation on the application.
- Due to the easy generation of weekly, quarterly and annual reports on the system, the NVBDO reviewed its performance more frequently and brought about significant changes within its internal working since the installation.